Called to Serve

Called to Serve
You are here by called to serve in the Philippines Bacolod Mission

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

RM Life!

Hey Ya'll,

It's been a long time since I've posted. My mission is over now but I will be going back through my journal and put down experiences and pictures from where I left off! It's been rough since being home from my mission. I went to school in North Dakota State University with a wrestling scholarship only to lose it because my high school counselor messed up my NCAA credits. Which in case left me with a debt of $7,500 for one semester. Now I'm at Western Wyoming Community College with a wrestling scholarship which I am so excited for. My roommate is also a RM who just got home from The San Fernando Mission in California. Getting back into wrestling is hard but it's so much worth it. I'll keep you up to date as well as to what is going on in my life.


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